For many small business owners across Canada, calculating payroll isn’t just a tired chore. It can be a nightmare. Especially for small business owners who have little to no experience with processing payroll, the task can be overwhelming. Businesses that are too small to have their own human resources/payroll department often find themselves out of luck when it comes to filling out the daunting tax and payroll forms that require articulate attention to detail and financial knowledge. Canada has 190 laws alone regulating payroll processing. Employee payroll deductions and other tasks can lead to a considerable amount of trouble if even one small mistake is made.
Due to the inexperience of many a business owner in payroll rules and regulations, about 85% of certified public accountants recommend that small businesses (about 50 people or less) use payroll processing companies for their HR needs. A payroll processing company specializes in providing payrolledge.com/blog/bid/376636/Calculating-Canadian-Payroll-Deductions-is-Only-Half-the-Battle” Title=”Learn the real scoop on Processing payroll”>payroll services to various businesses. Composed of accountants and payroll professionals that know just how to handle payroll, these services will cover everything there is to cover regarding payroll. From filling out tax forms and maintaining records to calculating employee payroll deductions and determining benefits, payroll processing firms have the manpower and focus to handle your needs with care and efficiency.
One service many of these companies have offered as of late is an online portal service. Employers and employees alike are able to access their hours, make change requests for their schedules, download pay-stubs and tax forms, and other services that were usually done on paper and in person. Just like with everything else, payroll has gone digital — and there’s no turning back. Employees, for one, are perfectly happy with the change.
What do you think about payroll processing services? Do you work for a company that uses one? Feel free to share us your questions and thoughts at the bottom.