If you hate the cold weather, you might just be in the market for a vacation home to provide you with an escape from it. If this describes you, or if you are simply looking to move full time to a place that might be a little bit more (or a lot a bit more) on the warm side, than you should consider talking to a fort lauderdale realtor. A fort lauderdale realtor will be able to show you the ins and outs of one of the state of Florida’s most popular neighborhoods and this fort lauderdale realtor will be able to provide you with an insider perspective as well, giving you as full of a pictures as is possible while you are looking at homes for sale with your fort lauderdale realtor.
As any fort lauderdale realtor knows, moving to Florida becomes more and more popular with each passing year. In fact, the total population of Florida grows by as much as one thousand people each and every day, adding up to hundreds of thousands of new residents in the span of just one year. In fact, by the year of 2020, just less than two short years from the current year of 2018, the overall population of Florida is expected to exceed twenty two million residents. Ten more years from that date and the population of Florida is anticipated to reach twenty six million – and only continued to climb in the years that are to come after. With an already decently sized population of more than twenty one million, Florida is set to become even more popular in the years awaiting us. And with Florida bringing in as many as one hundred million tourists over the course of the year, it’s no surprise to the average fort lauderdale realtor that Florida has seen immense growth. After all, many people decide that they like the state of Florida so much that they decide to stay and end up moving there permanently – or at least buy a vacation home to spend winters in (the so called snow birds that have become so popular in all parts of the Florida state).
There are many reasons that someone might choose to move to Florida, as your fort lauderdale realtor will be able to tell you. For one, the housing prices in Florida are nothing if not reasonable. The median sales price of a typical home in Florida was only just over two hundred thousand and fifteen dollars, and a foreclosure home for sale in Florida just barely passed over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This means that affording luxury apartments or even full size luxury homes has become more of a possibility for more and more people who are looking to move to Florida – as well as for people who are already living there. Beach homes are also hugely popular in Florida as a vacation home for people who live elsewhere in the country, and many people choose Florida for their beach home location strictly because of the expansive miles of coast and beaches that Florida has to offer (with a total of more than sixty five thousand and seven hundred square miles encompassing the state).
Florida is also, as most people are aware, much warmer than many of the other states in the United States. For those who are older and looking to escape the cold and often even brutal winters, Florida, as any fort lauderdale realtor knows, can provide the perfect respite. Luxury apartments for sale are particularly alluring, as they offer a smaller amount of space that is easier for an older couple (or single older person) to manage with relative ease. Aside from that, many people choose to rent out their luxury living spaces during the times of the year that they are not using them, and this can be a great and hugely beneficial way to make some money to help you to afford the luxury home or apartment in the first place.
As any fort lauderdale realtor knows, Florida property has become something of a hot commodity, much sought after.