Legal experts specialize in a wide array of law subfields like medical malpractice, automotive law, and personal injury law. Specialists have spent years honing their skills and familiarizing themselves with the law to provide the most comprehensive legal aid available to their fields. If you believe that you are entitled to substantial financial compensation, call a legal expert and arrange a meeting. Here is everything you need to know about the legal process and establishing a structured settlement.
Your Day in Court
Finding an attorney to represent you is only the first part of a long battle. Generally speaking, most settlement cases can take up to a year before they are settled. Once the case is finally settled, you may receive your payment in the form of an annuity that increases incrementally each year. Every year in the United States over $6 million is paid to fund new structured settlements with the average payout reaching $324,000. Many of those receiving settlements cannot afford to wait for annual payouts, especially with legal fees and tax payments on top of existing fees. Thankfully there exists the option to sell structured settlement payments for cash!
Getting Your Structured Settlement
Since over 37,000 Americans use structured settlement money each year, it makes sense that services would offer alternatives to annuity payments. By selling off your annuity, customers receive cash for settlement payment in one lump sum. Keep in mind that taxes and fees will be deducted from that sum, yet when you receive cash for settlement payment, you are receiving the most from your settlement as quickly as possible. Around 92% of those who received cash for settlement payment stated that they were satisfied with the exchange and that they would do it again. If you need cash now, sell your structured settlements for a lump sum today!