Cash for annuity payments
Pre-settlement options
Settlement recipients

Everthing You Should Know Before Selling Your Structured Settlement

Many times, when a person is awarded damages from an lawsuit settlement or wins the lottery, their winnings are given to them as a structured settlement. A structured settlement is a series of payments each month over several years (sometime the life of the awarded), rather than a single, large lump sum. Sometimes the structured […]

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Cash for annuity now
Selling your annuity

Structured Settlements Versus Lump Sums The Realities

So you?ve ended up with a settlement ? a structured settlement, for that matter. If you?re regretting it and thinking about the ?getting cash for structured settlement? option, you aren?t alone. Cash for structured settlements is an option often offered; and people choose it for many reasons. But it?s understandable if you?re hesitating, too. After […]

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Paying off your debt
Receive lottery winnings
Structured settlement annuity benefits

Cash In That Lotto Win For Big Results!

So you’ve hit your pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow and managed to win the lottery! Holy cow! You’ll now have two options: either you can get a lottery lump sum payout and get cash for lottery winnings or you can have it parsed out in payments that span a few years […]

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America?s capital partners mid-atlantic
Should i invest in property

Looking for an Investment that Provides Cash Flow and Tax Breaks? REITS!

Are you ready to get into the commercial real estate market? Are you looking for a way to make a smart investment but not be solely responsible for a property? Have you considered a REIT? A REIT is a type of security that invests in real estate through property or mortgages. REITs provide investors with […]

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Americas capital partners mid-atlantic
How to buy commercial real estate
Real estate investment company

Have You Been Considering Commercial Real Estate as an Investment? What are You Waiting for?

Are you ready to get involved with commercial real estate investing? Why shouldn?t you be? There?s good money to be made investing in real estate, some of it should be yours. Some Basics About Commercial Real Estate Investing There?s good money to be made, you just need to find the right investment, and firms like […]

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Lottery payments
Opt for a lump sum
Selling lottery payments

If You Had Half a Billion Dollars 3 Things You Should Buy If You Win the Lottery

If you were to ever win half a billion dollars in the lottery, you could either take the money as a lottery annuity settlement, and get annual lottery payments you could use to support yourself or provide some financial stability, or you could take it as a lottery lump sum payout. While an annuity allows […]

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