Medical record retrieval services
Outsourced hr management services
Overtime pay for exempt employees

Three Reasons Why Payroll Providers Are Right For You and Your Small Business

Calculating payroll is a task every business, large and small, need to do. However, small businesses, unlike larger ones, may not have the resources to hire its own human resources and accounting departments. In addition, small business owners may not have the skills and knowledge necessary to properly handle payroll. Processing payroll is long, arduous, […]

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Cash recycler
Coin sorter and counter
Scanners for business

Cash Management Solutions Counting Money (and Blessings) Since 1980

Businesses, large and small, across the country all have to contend with a surprisingly difficult task: counting money. Of course, the entire point of business is to make money and provide products and service but many people don’t stop to think about what happens after the transaction happens. Who counts the money? How? How do […]

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Controller job description
Vice president of finance
Vp of finance

If You Run a Small Business, You Probably Struggle With This One Task

If you own a small business — regardless of the product or service you sell — what’s the one thing you hate doing more than anything else? If you said “bookkeeping” or “accounting,” you’re not alone. According to a survey conducted by TD Bank in 2014 that asked 508 different small business owners which part […]

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Definition of ceo
What is a corporate controller

The Basic Facts About Corporate Finance CFOs

The financial management position of a CFO/CFOO (chief financial officer, or chief financial operating officer) is definitely one of the more complicated corporate finance careers today — not only because of the responsibilities and qualifications that are naturally required in executive financial jobs, but also because the average CFO job description seems to be changing […]

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Chief financial officer job description
Corporate controller duties
Market for corporate control

Three Things To Consider Before Your Small Business Hires a CFO

Most small businesses know that a CEO is one of the most essential financial management jobs, but they don’t always realize that a CFO, or chief financial officer, is just as important. That being said, for some small companies, bringing in a CFO would be unnecessary — either financial analysts in the company are able […]

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Accept credit cards mobile
Cheapest way to accept credit cards online
Merchant services solution

Three Advantages that Online Payment Processing Services Can Deliver to Small Business

Does your small business accept credit cards and debit cards online? Do you sell your products all over the globe or just locally via your website? Are you looking to expand your business to include online sales, or eCommerce? If you answered yes to any these questions, you probably know that you’ll need to rely […]

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