When people think about financial jobs, they may not think of them as very exciting positions. Some may even think that people choose to go into these positions purely for the money. While financial jobs to technically revolve around money, they are not all about making money. Financial analysts, financial controllers, financial advisors and accountants […]
Read MoreOne of the most common ways that personal injury cases are resolved is with the use of a structured settlement. The way that the structured settlement cash is paid out to the injured party through an annuity. What are annuities? Buying annuities is usually something people do to help manage their money in retirement, but […]
Read MoreWhen done right, an executive search is a true art form. Finding a candidate with the right skills, background and personality to lead a company or nonprofit is a tall order. With chief executive officers and other high-level employees spending more than 60% of their time in meetings, there isn’t much time on-boarding.Candidates are expected […]
Read MoreIf you’re a business looking to build a strong financial foundation, there are several jobs in accounting you’ll need to fill, each requiring workers with specific personality traits and educational backgrounds. Company structures vary depending on size and individual needs, but here’s what you should generally be thinking of trying to fill in terms of […]
Read MoreLike many other American consumers, you may find yourself burdened by crushing student loan, medical or credit card debt and in search of debt help in order to better manage your finances. As such, it’s important to seek expert financial and debt advice at any number of reputable debt management companies and debt relief centers. […]
Read MoreLosing your job, a family illness, divorce, and home repairs necessitated by an act of God such a tornado are just a few of the reasons that people may find themselves in debt. Once you start to accumulate debt, it may seem that your financial obligations quickly become overwhelming. When finances spiral out of control, […]
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